Why Safe Demon

The system to be implemented will ensure continuous control of the driver’s health and attention conditions together at the same time as result of driving performance monitoring on the road and traffic context in which the vehicle is located. This monitoring will make it possible to predict dangerous situations and report them:
  • to the driver: upon the onset of discomfort so that he can stop driving and take precautionary measures for health;
  • to the vehicle: by sending reports to the electronic systems of the vehicle (control of vehicles equipped with new generation autonomous driving systems, driving support) or simply by activating an alert system for other users;
  • to vehicles and the surrounding network infrastructure: to signal the dangerous situation to the drivers of other vehicles in the vicinity using Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications and road infrastructure control systems (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure – V2I – communications);
  • to a control center: for example in the case of a vehicle in a fleet, through communication to the outside based on a cellular network.

To whom it is useful

Some of the operational contexts where the solution proposed here can find application are:
  • Public transport services by road
  • Commercial trucking services
In these contexts, comparative to recent available solutions, the main benefits introduced by the adoption of the solution are greater safety for the individual and greater reliability of the provided service as well as a decrease in the social costs associated with the management of workers suffering from diseases.

Safety first

For optimal results that guarantee a collection of sufficient data to develop an improvement in driving safety and in the state of health of the driver Safe Demon makes use of various tools such as;


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